The Development Site consists of the lands fronting onto Steeles Avenue East.

About Project
Stylish New Homes in Bradford West GwillimburyThe Development Site consists of the lands fronting onto Steeles Avenue East and will consist of two proposed residential buildings. The Master Plan Area is located within a Regional Corridor/Key Development Area, Intensification Area, and the Metrolinx Steeles Mobility Hub. It is in proximity to the proposed Yonge Street Subway extension. The proposal will contribute to the intent of the Thornhill Secondary Plan to re-urbanize the Yonge Street and Steeles Avenue Corridor and the planned significant levels of high residential and employment development within a Major Transit Station Area. The proposed Master Plan Area will contemplate a landscape area and private green space. An attractive architectural design and a dynamic range of materials are proposed to reflect a high level of quality and contribute to the existing and planned character of the neighbourhood. The subject land is within close proximity to the Yonge Street and Steeles Avenue East Gateway Hub, where the future extension of the subway line is planned and, as such, the proposed development will be an important component of the built form along Steeles Avenue. As a result, an architectural design of exceptional quality is proposed. The building design will provide visual interest through a combination of façade materials and a mixture of neutral colours with wood to accentuate a unique and eye-catching frontage on Steeles Avenue East.

Site Plan

Model Types
Many people have started building at-home fitness areas for a convenient gym experience. In a luxury home, a separate room for fitness and exercise is now a must-have. An in-home fitness room can have everything a gym has, such as an exercise bike or treadmill, mirrors on the wall, mats on the floor and a set of weights. It also offers something a gym can’t — complete privacy. You can choose to work out on your own, follow along with a live-streamed video or hire a private personal trainer to help you get in shape, all from the comfort of your home.